
We welcome contributions from anyone with anything useful to share!

The project is powered by Jupyter Book, and it lives on GitHub. Contributing is fairly painless, requiring only a minimum of familiarity with working at the command line.

Everything is written in Markdown, a simple markup language for plain text files. You can find a cheat sheet here and you can use the repository as a starting point.

We make use of the version control system git and the Pull Request mechanism on GitHub to manage contributions. If you’re new to git and GitHub, check out our short guide to git(hub) to learn how to set up a github account, fork this project and create a Pull Request with your contribution.

Quick start#

If you are already familiar with git and want to get started right away, you should know that to keep the size of the repository small and contributions easier to manage we use git large files storage. Getting git lfs integrated to your workflow is as easy as installing it and running:

git lfs install

to set up lfs hooks and filters.

To contribute to the book, you then just need two things:

  1. Place the markdown file with the contents of your page inside the appropriate directory (look at the other files for inspiration)

  2. Add your section to the table of contents file: _toc.yml.