Welcome to the central feature of MemBrain-seg: The segmentation of your tomograms!
This guide provides detailed instructions to perform segmentation on your tomograms using a pre-trained model.
MemBrain-seg Workflow
- (Optional) Preprocessing
- pixel size matching
- Fourier amplitude matching
- Predict segmentation
- (Optional) Match pixel size of output segmentation
For the optional preprocessing steps, find more information here
For the prediction, you will basically need two files:
- The tomogram you would like to segment.
It may make sense to use a preprocessed tomogram. - A pre-trained MemBrain segmentation model
We recommend to use denoised (ideally Cryo-CARE1) tomograms for segmentation. However, our current best model is available for download here and should also work on non-denoised data. Please let us know how it works for you. If the given model does not work properly, you may want to try one of our previous versions:
Other (older) model versions: - v9 -- best model until 10th Aug 2023 - v9b -- model for non-denoised data until 10th Aug 2023
Please note that our best model changes often, as we are still in the development phase. So you can check in from time to time and see whether the model improved. If you have problems with the model, please write an email to
[1] T. -O. Buchholz, M. Jordan, G. Pigino and F. Jug, "Cryo-CARE: Content-Aware Image Restoration for Cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy Data," 2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019), Venice, Italy, 2019, pp. 502-506, doi: 10.1109/ISBI.2019.8759519.
membrain segment
For example, for the prediction, you only need to type
membrain segment --tomogram-path <path-to-your-tomo> --ckpt-path <path-to-your-model>
Running this will segment your tomogram, and store the resulting .mrc file into the ./predictions
folder. If you would like to change this folder, you can simply specify another folder using
the --out_folder
membrain segment --tomogram-path <path-to-your-tomo> --ckpt-path <path-to-your-model> --out-folder <your-preferred-folder>
It is now also possible to assign different labels to different membrane instances via computing connected components and also remove small connected components:
membrain segment --tomogram-path <path-to-your-tomo> --ckpt-path <path-to-your-model> --store-connected-components
You can also compute the connected components after you have segmented your tomogram.
more membrain segment arguments:
--tomogram-path: Path to the tomogram to be segmented [default: None]
--ckpt-path: Path to the pre-trained model checkpoint that should be used. [default: None]
--out-folder: Path to the folder where segmentations should be stored. [default: ./predictions]
--rescale-patches / --no-rescale-patches: Should patches be rescaled on-the-fly during inference?
--in-pixel-size: pixel size of your tomogram (only important if --rescale-patches flag is set)
--out-pixel-size: pixel size to which patches will be rescaled internally (should normally be 10)
--store-probabilities / --no-store-probabilities: Should probability maps be output in addition to segmentations? [default: no-store-probabilities]
--store-connected-components / no-store-connected-components: Should connected components of the segmentation be computed? [default: no-store-connected-components]
--connected-component-thres: Threshold for connected components. Components smaller than this will be removed from the segmentation. [default: None]
--test-time-augmentation / --no-test-time-augmentation: Should 8-fold test time augmentation be used? If activated (default), segmentations tendo be slightly better, but runtime is increased.
--segmentation-threshold: Set a custom threshold for thresholding your membrane scoremap to increase / decrease segmented membranes (default: 0.0).
--sliding-window-size INTEGER Sliding window size used for inference. Smaller values than 160 consume less GPU, but also lead to worse segmentation results! [default: 160]
--help Show this message and exit.
MemBrain-seg automatically detects a CUDA-enabled GPU, if available, and will execute the segmentation on it. Using a GPU device is highly recommended to accelerate the segmentation process.
Running MemBrain-seg on a GPU requires at least roughly 8GB of GPU space.
Emergency tip:
In case you don't have enough GPU space, you can also try adjusting the --sliding-window-size
parameter. By default, it is set to 160. Smaller values will require less GPU space, but also lead to worse segmentation results!
On-the-fly rescaling
Since v0.0.2, we provide the option to rescale patches on-the-fly during inference. That means, if your tomogram pixel size is very different from our training pixel size (10Angstrom), you do not need to rescale your tomograms to the correponding pixel size in advance.
Instead, you can set the --rescale-patches
flag and membrain-seg will do everything for you internally.
Example: Your tomogram has pixel size 17.92:
membrain segment --tomogram-path <path-to-your-tomo> --ckpt-path <path-to-your-model> --rescale-patches --input-pixel-size 17.92
This will rescale small patches of your tomogram internally to 10A, feed them into our network, and scale back to the original pixel size. That means, your output segmentation mask corresponds directly to your input tomogram.
Note: MemBrain-seg automatically reads teh pixel size also from your tomogram header. That means, you only need to pas the --input-pixel-size
flag if your header is corrupt, e.g. after processing in Cryo-CARE.
Connected components
If you have segmented your tomograms already, but would still like to extract the connected components of the segmentation, you don't need to re-do the segmentation, but can simply use the following command:
membrain components --segmentation-path <path-to-your-segmentation> --connected-component-thres 50 --out-folder <folder-to-store-components>
Computing the connected components, and particularly also removing the small components can be quite compute intensive and take a while.
Custom thresholding
In some cases, the standard threshold (\(0.0\)) may not be the ideal value for segmenting your tomograms. In order to explore what threshold may be best, you can use the above segmentation command with the flag --store-probabilities
. This will store a membrane scoremap that you can threshold using different values using the command:
membrain thresholds --scoremap-path <path-to-scoremap>
--thresholds -1.5 --thresholds -0.5 --thresholds 0.0 --thresholds 0.5
It is now also possible to generate a skeletonized version of the membrane segmentations, similar to the output of TomoSegMemTV.
For this, you can ue the membrain skeletonize
membrain skeletonize --label-path <path-to-your-segmentation>
You only need to input the path to the segmentation that has been generated my MemBrain-seg. The output of this function will be a skeletonized version of this.
If you have pre-processed your tomogram using pixel size matching, you may want to rescale your segmentation back to the shape of the original tomogram.